Saturday, January 28, 2012

Web Resources

I am currently reading the newsletters from the Children's Defense Fund website. This month's newsletter was very informative to me and my career. I currently work for Head Start and every year I fear the budget cuts will cut me or my co-workers out of a job. This is not just a job I enjoy, but I am passionate in my career. This newsletter focused on the budget of 2012. 
"Some programs that were protected or expanded include:
Head Start received an increase of $424 Million
Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) received an increase of $60 Million
Part C of Early Intervention received an increase of $5 Million" (Children's Defense Fund, 2011)
Check out the other increases:

Since our discussions this week were all about economists, I thought this newsletter tied in nicely with what I have learned. Money matters--to make a successful program, the program needs money. We need to educate our children the very best we can so as they become adults, they are successful in society. Their success will produce a monetary return. It's simple really.

In the website was a link to a news article from Jackson, Mississippi. Check out the information--you may find it fascinating or controversial (WLBT 3, 2012). Let me know what you think of this article.

Children's Defense Fund (2011). Early childhood news--January edition. Retrieved on January 28, 2012, from

WLBT 3 (2012). Preventing the "cradle to prison pipeline". Retrieved on January 28, 2012, from


Friday, January 20, 2012

Alternative Assignment

Sadly, none of my e-mails were answered. Of course my sister answered her e-mail, but she is one individual. I had to participate in the alternative assignment. I will continue to try to find someone to correspond with because I feel that is more personal and something I'm interested in.

I listened to a podcast presented by T.J. Skalski who is Principal at the Mother Earth's Children's Charter School in Canada. I found her to be soft spoken and enjoyed listening to her describe what led her to this calling. Her school website is very interesting and I have e-mailed her in hopes of correspondence. I don't know much about Charter schools, but found the description of the school most inspiring. The school serves children who "suffer from some sort of adversity". I will link the school's website and I believe you will find the information as interesting as I---

Mother Earth's Children's Charter School. (2012). Philosophy. Retrieved on January 20, 2012, from

World Forum Radio. (2011). Episode 7 T.J. Skalski. Retrieved January 20, 2012, from

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

I decided to subscribe to the Children's Defense Fund newsletter. I had not heard of this website and once I logged on, I found it to be very interesting and useful for my job.                                                                   Here is a link to the website think you will enjoy all the information/resources this website offers!

The January newsletter is not online, so I read over the December newsletter. This newsletter featured a link to the CDF's YouTube channel!!! If you are like me (or my 4 year old daughter), YouTube is viewed quite frequently. The YouTube videos that are featured are inspirational testimonies.I think hearing inspirational stories from others will remind you why you have chosen this career path. I know I am reassured that I am doing what I was meant to do!!!
 Here is the CDF's YouTube link:

I think you will enjoy!!!

Children's Defense Fund (2011). Monthly newsletter. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Establishing Professional Contacts
I was thrilled with this assignment. What a great experience to talk to other professionals around the world! I sent my e-mails, hoping for a response.  I decided to send my first e-mail to Germany. When I was 15 years old I visited Germany. My aunt speaks some German and lived in Germany teaching elementary school. My second e-mail went to my sister in Spain. I'm not sure this interaction is allowable, but she teaches English in Madrid, Spain. Her name is Meredith and she received her Bachelor's degree in Spanish. She then went on to receive her Master's degree in Education. I felt she qualified as a professional so I e-mailed her! So far Germany has not responded. If I don't hear something soon, I will participate in the alternative assignment.
Meredith with my daughter
Expanding Resources
For the second part of my assignment, I decided to select a website I was unfamiliar with. I had promised myself that I would leave my comfort zone and explore new websites and new information. I was drawn to  The Children's Defense Fund website. I loved their mission statement and have registered to receive monthly newsletters.  Hopefully, I will gain new information to share with my followers. Wish me luck!!!!

The Children's Defense Fund. (2011). CDF Mission Statement. Retrieved on January 7, 2012, from