My Supports

My supports consist of my loving family. My husband, my parents and my daughter. My husband is my biggest support and without him, I could not fulfill my dreams of obtaining my master's degree. He allows me my time to complete course work--he manages the household while I'm busy! My parents also take my daughter when my husband is busy with work and they will cook dinner for my family and me!!! I really have a strong supportive family and I'm very thankful. Sadly, not everyone has supportive families and I admire those who conquer their dreams without the support of their families.
My family supporting my brother at his wedding!

A challenge that is real today, but has not affected my family, is the loss of a job. My husband and I are a two income home and without one income life would be much more difficult financially. If I lost my job, my support system would rally around me and lift my spirits. My husband would be supportive of my job search, my parents would be supportive with child care--since that would be an expense I could no longer afford. That would be the worst thing to happen ---many bills to pay--but I know my support system would not fail me. I would continue to be the luckiest woman!!!

My family means the world to me and without them I would not be the confident, happy woman I am today!!