Tuesday, September 13, 2011


This is a very important topic for me. When my daughter was born and placed in the NICU I was not allowed to breastfeed. The nursing staff wanted to make sure that my baby was getting enough nutrients and they monitored this by bottle feeding. I did pump (at that time it was just colostrum) and added what I could to her bottle. When my baby was able to come home, I tried to breastfeed. At that time, she was used to the bottle and pacifier and would not latch on. I was so upset! I was angry at the NICU staff for not allowing me the opportunity to try to breastfeed and I was angry at myself for not sticking up for something that was so important to me. I had a large supply of milk and a larger desire to breastfeed my baby. She never latched on--I just continued to pump. If I decide to have another baby I will work harder at breastfeeding. Not only is it more cost effective but the benefits! The only benefit of bottle feeding is your spouse/partner can help!
Being fed by Daddy in the NICU

Breastfeeding in Kibiito, Uganda
Looking at breastfeeding trends around the world, I stumbled upon some information in Africa. A doctor by the name of Richard Sekitoleko is working hard to promote breastfeeding among the residents. Uganda's death rate is high for children ages five and under due to diarrhea and pneumonia. Because breast milk contains the nutrients and antibodies needed to fight infection, many lives will be saved (UNICEF, 2011).  A week in August was dedicated to promoting the importance of breastfeeding. Village health teams are also in place to teach women about breastfeeding. One mother from Uganda shared that she breastfed five of her children thanks to the village health team and their positive promotion of breastfeeding (UNICEF, 2011). I think this is a great initiative and hope that breastfeeding becomes the number one means of feeding an infant in Uganda and around the world. What a wonderful way to bond and save the life of a baby!

UNICEF. (2011). Spreading the word about infant and young child nutrition in Uganda. Retrieved September 15, 2011, from http://www.unicef.org/mdg/uganda_59449.html.

Sharing Information with Families
At my preschool center, we have several easy to read books (written in Spanish too) on the importance of breastfeeding. They are located in our Parent Room for preschool parents to take home, read and return. We even have a book written the way a child would understand! One website that I love also has great information regarding breastfeeding, so if a mom to be asks for resources, I have plenty to share.

Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. (2011). Retrieved September 17, 2011 from http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc.


Janille said...

I loved your blog on Breastfeeding. As I commented on your last blog, my son had to go to the NICU also when he was born. Although, they encouraged me to breastfeed and bring breastmilk often for my son. I can understand your anger and frustration over not being able to breastfeed!


Kelsy Richardson said...

I enjoyed learning about Beastfeeding in Africa. I would have thought they would be a country that would practice breastfeeding, especially with it being cost efficent.

My mother never breast fed any of her kids, but I do hear that it supplies many nutrients that regular formular does not have.