Saturday, January 28, 2012

Web Resources

I am currently reading the newsletters from the Children's Defense Fund website. This month's newsletter was very informative to me and my career. I currently work for Head Start and every year I fear the budget cuts will cut me or my co-workers out of a job. This is not just a job I enjoy, but I am passionate in my career. This newsletter focused on the budget of 2012. 
"Some programs that were protected or expanded include:
Head Start received an increase of $424 Million
Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) received an increase of $60 Million
Part C of Early Intervention received an increase of $5 Million" (Children's Defense Fund, 2011)
Check out the other increases:

Since our discussions this week were all about economists, I thought this newsletter tied in nicely with what I have learned. Money matters--to make a successful program, the program needs money. We need to educate our children the very best we can so as they become adults, they are successful in society. Their success will produce a monetary return. It's simple really.

In the website was a link to a news article from Jackson, Mississippi. Check out the information--you may find it fascinating or controversial (WLBT 3, 2012). Let me know what you think of this article.

Children's Defense Fund (2011). Early childhood news--January edition. Retrieved on January 28, 2012, from

WLBT 3 (2012). Preventing the "cradle to prison pipeline". Retrieved on January 28, 2012, from



Janille said...

I enjoyed reading your information concerning your website and newsletters. Did you find it difficult to gain information pertaining to your neighborhood, city, state,...

Melanie Carridine said...

The budget cut have affects on all of us.Last school term, before the end of the year we were faced with the possibility of going to half days because of the budget. We did not go to half days this time, but what about the next time Governor Deal comes up with another bright idea. What exactly do you do at headstart?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebekah...budget cuts are definitely affecting us all; I just learned that the state of Arizona does not care about early childhood education or the elderly as Prez Obama stated the State has the right to take Medical Insurance away from elderly persons who do not have children living at home and has drastically cut our budget for early learning. For shame!

Unknown said...


I recently got caught up in the Children's Defense Fund website too and found the cradle to prison pipeline idea interesting as well. I think that fact that we're acknowledging this is a problem shows that more and more advocates are standing up for children. On the other hand, it's great to know that their is money being put into early childhood. In Texas education as a whole gets a raw deal no matter what the media reports. We're even closing high schools here which makes me fearful for our early education programs.