Zero to Three (National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families)
This website is full of resources appropriate for my parent involvement/early literacy issue! A job that appealed to me is the Technical Assistant Specialist. The TA will work in the "Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Technical Assistance Coordinating Center" and some duties/responsibilities are:
- "Work with the Assistant Director, subcontractors, other TACC Staff, and consultants, as needed, to plan and support all levels of technical assistance activities to grantees."
- "Monitor exchanges and postings on the TACC online portal. Respond and contribute as relevant with assigned grantees."
- "Support the development of universal technical assistance activities as appropriate such as webinars and e-newsletter."
(Zero to Three, 2012, p.1)
This job requires a master's degree in early childhood--perfect :)!
Project Appleseed
This website is dedicated to parental involvement in public schools. I know my work begins before a child begins his journey in public school, there are still tons of resources available that can be used! I could not find a specific job--but under Staff, it described the Project Appleseed Leadership Team. The leadership team "work toward effecting systemic change in an individual school, school districts, and across entire states" (Project Appleseed, 2009, para. 1). That sounds like an interesting job! I'm sure this job requires a master's degree (at a minimum).
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
This organization is a great early literacy program started by country singer Dolly Parton. This organization sends free books to children on a monthly basis. A program can be started in your community! I would LOVE to be on the book committee--how fun to find books to send to young children! Looking at the qualifications of the current book committee--I'm sure my master's degree would suffice!
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. (2013). Imagination library's book committee. Retrieved March
30, 2013, from
Project Appleseed. (2009). Our leadership. Retrieved March 30, 2013, from
Zero to Three. (2012). Job posting. Retrieved March 30, 2013, from