"Some programs that were protected or expanded include:
Head Start received an increase of $424 Million
Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) received an increase of $60 Million
Part C of Early Intervention received an increase of $5 Million" (Children's Defense Fund, 2011)Check out the other increases: http://cdf.childrensdefense.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=26261.0&dlv_id=0
Since our discussions this week were all about economists, I thought this newsletter tied in nicely with what I have learned. Money matters--to make a successful program, the program needs money. We need to educate our children the very best we can so as they become adults, they are successful in society. Their success will produce a monetary return. It's simple really.
In the website was a link to a news article from Jackson, Mississippi. Check out the information--you may find it fascinating or controversial http://www.wlbt.com/story/16570545/preventing-the-cradle-to-prison-pipeline (WLBT 3, 2012). Let me know what you think of this article.
Children's Defense Fund (2011). Early childhood news--January edition. Retrieved on January 28, 2012, from http://cdf.childrensdefense.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=26261.0&dlv_id=0.
WLBT 3 (2012). Preventing the "cradle to prison pipeline". Retrieved on January 28, 2012, from http://www.wlbt.com/story/16570545/preventing-the-cradle-to-prison-pipeline.